Mother Giraffe’s Bold Stand Against Hyena

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The African savanna shimmered under the midday sun as a tower of giraffes gracefully browsed the acacia trees. Among them was a mother giraffe and her gangly calf. At just a few weeks old, the calf was already nearing six feet tall, though still clumsy on its spindly legs.

Lurking in the brush nearby, a solitary spotted hyena eyed the pair greedily. Though hyenas hunt in packs, this one relied on cunning alone. It knew even a newborn giraffe could deliver a lethal kick, so it needed to separate mother from calf.

When the calf wandered a short distance away, the hyena seized its chance. Using the long grass as cover, it stealthily circled around then suddenly charged towards the unsuspecting calf. The calf bleated in alarm as the hyena pounced, biting and snapping at its hind legs.

Alerted by her calf’s cries, the mother giraffe thundered over in a rage. She swung her powerful neck downwards, hammering the hyena with her ossicones – knob-like horns. The hyena dodged just in time, narrowly avoiding the full force of the blow.

Undeterred, the hyena scrambled away then doubled back for another attack. But the enraged mother rounded on it again, this time landing a solid kick that sent the hyena flying with a yelp. It crashed to the ground with a thud several feet away.

Whimpering, the hyena scurried off, lesson learned. Though cunning, it was no match for the formidable defenses of a mother giraffe protecting her young. The mother’s retaliation left the hyena limping away with bruised ribs, a cautionary reminder that tangling with a towering giant brings severe consequences.

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