Hippo’s Daring Escape From Crocodile Attack

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The docile hippo experienced an unexpected assault from a crocodile. The hippo swiftly evaded the attack and retaliated, causing the crocodile to become frightened.

In the grasslands of Africa, a gentle hippo experienced an unexpected attack from a crocodile.

Hippo Thu was a very friendly and docile creature. Every day Thu went to the nearby river to bathe and feed. One morning, while enjoying the cool water, suddenly a crocodile launched out of the water and bit Thu’s leg forcefully.

Caught by surprise, Thu panicked but luckily managed to swiftly avoid a second bite from the crocodile. Thu powerfully kicked the crocodile’s snout with its hind leg. The accurate and strong kick made the crocodile terrified, retreat and flee.

Afterwards, Thu calmly left the dangerous area and checked the wound. Luckily the bite wasn’t too deep and Thu could self-heal. However, this frightening experience made Thu more cautious whenever going into the river.

Although normally very gentle, when threatened, hippo Thu quickly reacted to defend itself. This story shows the element of surprise in nature, and sometimes having to fight for survival. Fortunately, Thu cleverly responded to the crocodile’s unexpected ambush and learned to be more vigilant afterwards.

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