Cat’s Rescue Mission Unveils Adorable Kittens with Unique Charms

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Kris and Kia Papiernik founded the rescue group Kolony Kats to care for homeless kittens in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They rescued a kitty and her gorgeous puppies, one of them had a particular ailment that grabbed her heart right away.

Kris told Love Meow that they were traveling along their usual route when they came saw the kitty crossing the roadway. The pair, who have always been known for helping others, did not hesitate to step out of their car and offer him food.

It being a chilly day, there was no one outdoors, and they could tell the animal was nursing as they approached closer.

She was kind enough, though a touch jittery. The pair decided to stay in her car and wait to see which route she took to get to her kittens.

The feline moved to a house’s porch, where they discovered four puppies from her fourth litter in the previous two years inside an old box.

The house’s owner said it was a homeless kitten, and the couple decided to save the entire family so they wouldn’t wind up on the streets.

Kris stated,

“He concurred. We returned the next day to take up this small family. That’s when we recognized we had a unique kitty on our hands.”

The mother and all of the kittens were transported to the veterinarian. The youngest was diagnosed with cleft lip and anophthalmia, a hereditary illness that causes the lack of the globe and eye tissue, but neither affliction will impede his quality of life.

Thanks to a volunteer called Roe, the kittens were put in a foster home. Eleanor was the mother of the cats, and she is undoubtedly happier now that her young are secure.

Kurduroy is the name given to the cleft-lip kitten. He may be a few ounces smaller than his siblings, Koko, Kelsi, and Kirby, but it hasn’t prevented him from having the most endearing personality.

His mother and brothers appreciate him despite the fact that he is physically different from the rest. His mother is incredibly watchful and cautious, monitoring her every move to ensure they are safe.

Kris is relieved to be able to save the kittens in time, because they would have been forced to leave their home in two weeks or less, facing an unknown future on the streets.

Never again will a woman and her children have to deal with freezing conditions, food scarcity, or the threat of being injured by callous individuals.

They will be ready to start a new life in permanent homes in a few weeks.


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