Astrid’s Remarkable Resilience: A Journey of Recovery, Love, and Hope

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This is Astrid, a sweet dog who was found on the street in a very bad situation. Abandoned, she was in a lot of pain and feeling very down. She had bone marrow damage and was quite inflamed, indicating possible neuronal damage. Her neck and abdomen were swollen and sore to the touch, and she barely had an appetite. Even in the heat, she would not stop shaking and had reached the brink of hypothermia.

Further examination revealed that she had multiple hip fractures and several injuries all over her body, including a groin injury. The situation was critical, and the team knew they could not lose another life. They could not afford to lose Astrid. They urged her to fight.

Astrid was hospitalized with 24-hour surveillance and received surgery for her multiple hip fractures. She was doing very well, but unfortunately, her hip did not recover, and she was still in a lot of pain. The team tried all possible physiotherapy techniques and gave her therapeutic massages, but they were unsure if surgery was the best option.

After weeks of rehabilitation, Astrid began to take her first steps! She still needed help, but it was a breakthrough. Our physiotherapist helped move her legs so she could exercise them since Astrid had lost a lot of muscle mass. Astrid kept moving forward, taking better steps each time, and even made friends with Laura, another dog in the center. Astrid’s journey to recovery was a testament to her resilience and the power of love and care.

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