Meet the 3-Toothed Pal Who Saves a Coyote-Attacked Dog and Inspires Courage

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A heartwarming incident unfolded in a California backyard when a coyote targeted a small dog, only to be confronted by an unexpected hero in a furry disguise.

Video footage shared on Facebook captured the remarkable rescue. Erin K. Macaluso posted the video, showcasing a coyote sneaking into her Mission Viejo backyard on the evening of May 1.The coyote immediately focused its attention on Harley, a 12-pound Morkie (Maltese and Yorkshire terrier mix), and gave chase. The chaotic scene quickly moved out of frame, accompanied by the distressed yelps and barks of Harley.

In a decisive moment, a diminutive white dog sprinted across the yard towards the commotion, successfully driving away the much larger coyote. That brave little dog was Vinny, an 11-year-old Maltese mix with only three teeth, as Macaluso revealed.

Despite his age and dental limitations, Vinny has always displayed a scrappy nature, according to Macaluso’s account. Unfortunately, she did not respond to a request for further comment from McClatchy News.

Macaluso acknowledged her usual vigilance in supervising her dogs when they go out at night. However, on that particular evening, she had forgotten to secure the doggie door, allowing Harley and Vinny to slip out upon hearing something in the yard.

Chaos ensued, as she described it. David Macaluso, Vinny and Harley’s other owner, shared with Fox LA that the entire incident unfolded rapidly. Despite their utmost care, a single oversight could have resulted in the loss of their beloved furry companion.

I am so grateful and proud of my other dog Vinny (a 10 pound white Maltese mix) because he saved his brothers life by chasing the coyote off, fearlessly. You can see in the video, there were 2 coyotes; only one came into my yard. The other sat on the other side of the fence, waiting…We didn’t realize exactly what had happened or what had attacked our dog until after we had made it to the emergency vet and sat down to look at our camera footage.

Macaluso expressed her gratitude and pride for Vinny’s brave intervention, emphasizing the severity of Harley’s injuries but expressing hope for a full recovery. I am so grateful and proud of my other dog Vinny, she wrote.

Mission Viejo, situated approximately 50 miles south of Los Angeles, provided the backdrop for this heartening tale of canine courage.

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