Internet Stumped as Legions of Glowing Pink Organisms Spread Across Beach Devoid of Humans

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The unexpected arrival of the new coronavirus outbreak keeps at least a third of the world’s population confined to their homes. This has been taken advantage of by animals of different species to go out to explore and even take back the world that humans, with our unconsciousness and selfishness, have taken from them.


Pumas walking freely through the deserted streets, dozens of peacocks revealing their rainbow of feathers in squares and parks, are just some examples of this new and impressive phenomenon.

Recently, thousands of pink jellyfish arrived on a well-known beach in the Philippines in a spectacle that seemed to emulate a marine aurora; Some say it is a product of the pandemic and others believe it is a gift from nature.

leaves us speechless


This does not normally happen on this deserted beach in Corong-Corong Bay, on the coast of Palawan, but the truth is that the beautiful pink flowering of these animals seems to be more of a call for truce between other species and beings. humans. An unexpected miracle.

Sheldon Rey Boco , a biologist who was traveling in a boat on March 23, was the first person to encounter such a scene , which he captured and immediately published on his social networks and which were shared by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines.


The event has unleashed endless theories about the true origin of the event. It is a species known as Class Scyphozoa, and experts assure that this wonderful outburst of these animals towards the beaches could bring great ecological benefits to this ecosystem , which is sorely lacking.

However, it is a true fact that every coin has two sides and, therefore, it could also cause problems for fishermen or anyone who has contact with water, since a simple brush with this type of animal can be fatal for the human being.

Is incredible!



“The presence of these animals occurs annually after being dragged by ocean currents, but this phenomenon had not been seen with such magnitude before the pandemic,” said the biologist.

And, of course, due to human activity in the area it was very rare to find giant jellyfish floating on the surface of the water, but today, on Corong Corong beach you can see thousands, entire colonies of these jellyfish, as well as They are called in other latitudes.



“Jellyfish are definitely not affected by Covid-19 restrictions,” joked Sheldon Rey Boco, the marine biologist and author of the publication.

In this regard, local authorities explained that this phenomenon could be due to the quarantine imposed in the area by the pandemic allowing entire communities of jellyfish to thrive.



Furthermore, experts stated that, although the appearance of jellyfish occurs annually after being dragged by ocean currents, this never occurs with such magnitude. In any case, they maintain that exhaustive experimental research is necessary to draw conclusions .

For its part, to date, the Philippines has recorded more than 2,600 cases of infection with the new coronavirus and at least 107 deaths, according to data from John Hopkins University . The truth is that no one yet understands the reason for the unusual event and in the meantime, theories come and go, but all of them are mere speculation. What do you think?

It is an event like no other!

Share this story with your loved ones and friends. Perhaps the most important phenomenon is that our way of seeing nature is changing: confined people are realizing how much we miss it.

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